Outdoor Recreation 11 & 12

Course code: YPR--1BX--/YPR—2AX--

This program is taken in grade 11 in conjunction with English 11 and in Grade 12 in conjunction with PE 12. It is designed to provide opportunities to gain knowledge and skills in outdoor recreation, community recreation and recreational leadership. The program is best suited for students who have strong interest in outdoor pursuits, responsible, well-organized and self-disciplined. Applicants will be considered based on a fitness evaluation and referenceThere are some costs to the program. Some outdoor activities include: 

  • Surfing  
  • Golfing 
  • Rock climbing 
  • Scuba diving 
  • Lawn bowling 
  • First aid 
  • Orienteering 
  • Wilderness running 
  • Backpacking 
  • Hiking 
  • Sailing 
  • Beach volleyball 
  • River rafting 
  • Strength and aerobic training 

Outdoor Rec Application Form
