Drama: Film & Television 11

Course code: MDFT11

These courses introduce students to the skill sets used in writing and acting for film and television and develop their creative talents as filmmakers and actors in order to give a deeper appreciation of the collaborative art form that is film making. Actors will learn film-specific techniques to help make their performance believable. Teamwork and maintaining a positive group dynamic will go a long way to making successful short films in a studio environment. Students will understand writing, producing, directing, cinematography, sound & lighting design, and post production editing & special FX from practicing the various roles that make up the film industry. Opportunities will arise for students to meet with and learn from professionals active in the field. Jobs in the content-creation industry will be explored and students will gain a better understanding of their own abilities and the direction in which their creative talents can take them. This is aided by learning some basic ways of organizing production that are used in professional film shoots. With professional camera, sound and lighting equipment, students will be able to author DVDs/edit their own demo reel for their own personal use or professional portfolio.