Student Services / Inclusive Learning
We provide an inclusive learning environment where students’ diverse learning needs are supported through Universal Design for Learning principles and, if designated, through an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Inclusive Learning Services enable students to have equitable access to learning opportunities to ensure they work toward the goals of their IEPs. IEPs can include goals for academic, social emotional, and behavioural learning. All students with or without a designation, have access to supports needed for their academic success and well-being. Supports include but are not limited to classroom accommodations, a learning support block, case management, and supported self-paced academic classes.-
Learning Strategies 9 – 12
Learning Strategies is an elective class that earns 4 credits and can be requested by students taking regular classes who need support with executive function, 1:1 academic, social emotional or behavioural support, study skills, remedial skills, as well as helping ensure access to accommodations for students with an IEP. Learning… Read more
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